販售時間:2022/12/15 ~ 2023/1/4
*海外配送付款方式僅限信用卡或金融卡(支援Visa, Master, JCB)。
Overseas delivery:
Brazil、Canada、China、France、Germany、Hong Kong、India、Indonesia、Italy、Japan、Korea、Macao、Malaysia、Netherlands、New Zealand、Philippines、Singapore、Sweden、Switzerland、Thailand、UK、US、Vietnam
*Overseas countries use POSTAL PARCEL AIR Delivery.
*POSTAL PARCEL AIR Delivery about 10-21 days.
*Payment:credit card(Visa, Master, JCB)
*The order amount is only the amount of the product and the shipping fee, excluding customs duties.
鬼鼠 / Nu-Phi / ヌピ
在泰語中Nu-Phi 是"鬼鼠"的意思,通常他們會吃掉所有東西,甚至是貓咪。
Nu-Phi in Thai means "ghost rat" and they eat everything even is cat.
Teera 是來自泰國普吉島的木匠設計師,並擅長以可愛小動物題材用木雕的風格作公仔的設計呈現,每次作品都是泰國限量並且很快就售清了! 設計師個人也喜歡用幽默的方式敘述自己,就像生活在溪流旁的岩石裂縫中,偷偷的以松鼠肉維持生計...
Teera is a carpenter from Phuket,. He is good at sculpting in the style of woodcarving with cute animal themes. His works are exclusive and top selling in Thailand. He also likes to describe himself in a humorous way, like someone who lives in horrible condition and surviving by eating squirrel meat.