棒兔戰鬥員 / BOUNCE RABBIT fighter / バウンスウサギ戦闘員
BOUNCE 宇宙中,躲藏在街角的兩位秘密戰鬥員,擁有強力彈跳的棒兔。
In the BOUNCE universe, there are two secret fighters hiding in the corner of the street, the one who has unbelievible bouncing power, the BOUNCE RABBIT fighter.
|設計師 藝術家|BOUNCE
BOUNCE loves drawing from childhood. Learning traditional arts when he studied in Fu-Hsin art high school. He combined traditional with modern arts.
He began his graffity life in 2005 with the name "BOUNCE". BOUNCE created a rabbit as his signature. He would like to increase more stories in this city.
Escape from traditional arts background and discover his inner-self and create rebellious and interesting graffity.